When Prophet felt that the message he was going to deliver was important he used to repeat it three times. (Bukhari,1971, Vol.1,Hadith No.95, p.77).
Once the Prophet asked thrice “Should I inform you the greatest of the great sins?” Then he declared that the greatest of great sins was the worship of any god other than Allah.
He also said that to be undutiful to one’s parents and declaring false witness were also among them” (Bukhari, 1971, Vol.3, Hadith No 822, p.499) He kept on saying this warning so many times that his companions thought he would not stop.
According to Ibn Omer, in the final sermon in his last pilgrimage, the Prophet asked the people assembled there whether he had conveyed Allah’s message to them. This he repeated three times. (Bukhari, 1971, Vol.1, p. 76)
Once the Prophet said,” By Allah! he is not a believer, he is not a believer, he is not a believer!” Because of his repetition all his companions became attentive and one of them asked, “Who is he, O Prophet?” The Prophet replied, “The one whose neighbours are not safe from his mischief”
It was also his practice to raise his voice when announcing some important point or giving a warning. (Bukhari, 1971, Vol.1, Hadith No.57, p.51)
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