It was the Prophet’s way of life to recognize unique or distinct traits and thereby motivate his companions. On many occasions he had appreciated their talents, strengths, conduct and character, which had motivated them in the different walks of their lives.
It was a matter of great pleasure for him to confer special titles on his companions and thus make them happy. For example, Khalid ibn al-Walid who was a great warrior was conferred the title “The Sword of Allah” (Saifullah). These titles (Table 1) are still remembered and added with their names by the Islamic scholars till today.
Table 1. Prophet’s Choice of Titles Conferred on his Companions.
Table 1. Prophet’s Choice of Titles Conferred on his Companions.

During the war of Tabuk the Prophet made a call to the people to spend generously in the cause of God. A poor companion of the Prophet brought a little date fruits, which he earned as his wages for labouring whole night in the fields. The Prophet recognized his sacrifice, kept the date fruits on top of all the things heaped over there and made the poor man happy.
When the members of the family of Yasir were tortured by the Quraish for embracing Islam, the Prophet used to meet them and comfort them with a promise of greater reward in paradise, which made them forget their sufferings.
The Prophet’s method of patient hearing to whoever came to him was a great motivator to all kinds of people to come and talk to him freely. On an occasion when he found an old lady at a distance who wanted to speak to him but was afraid to come near him, he went to her, held her by the shoulders and said, “Mother, whom are you afraid of? I am the son of that Quraishi woman who used to milk sheep.” (Shariati,
This attitude made him easily accessible to all people and encouraged them to come to him freely ask questions, seek his advice, guidance and consultations.
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